Letters from readers are solicited for publication in this regular monthly department. They should be short and all must be signed by the writer. Only initials of the writer and the state or country of residence will be published. Opinion expressed in publisbed letters need not necessarily reflect that of the REVIEW or the Mattachine Society. No names of individuals will be exchanged for correspondence purposes. REVIEW EDITOR: Recently I had occaGuide to Literature & Art Periodicals sion to read They Walk in Shadow. The author, Mercer, mentioned the work you are doing. I am very much interested in this. Please send me any information that you care to. Sincerely, Walter L. Graham Jr., M.D., Associate in Psychiatry, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit.


when I came across a listing of your Mattachine REVIEW and also, by a crossreference device, of the Dorian Book Quarterly. I am a Ph.D. psychologist and often find myself involved with clients with psychosexual difficulties and your maga. zine attracted my interest.-Dr. W.L.B., New York.

REVIEW EDITOR: Today I've received the June REVIEW which was interesting as usual. I was pleased to see your cover REVIEW EDITOR: I am enclosing a check reproduction of a drawing by Horst Irgens for $15 In payment of national dues. I from our fine Scandinavian magazine, wish I could send you more, but my fi Male Models. I am enclosing a dollar to nances are a little low now because I rehelp reduce the REVIEW's debt. Of course cently changed jobs after seven years to I know how little a dollar can buy in the a position with less salary but more conU.S.A.; but here it represents a good deal, tentment. In a little while I hope to be the cost of 11 quarts of milk, for example. able to make some contributions to you It also represents the very maximum that to help you in the good work you are doI can afford to contribute. My understanding. If my means permitted, this check ing of conditions in the U.S.A. causes would have to be a hundred times larger me to feel that, ultimately, this dollar to equal my high esteem for Mattachine, will do hardly more good than if I were to I know that it takes a lot of falth, courburn it now. I hope that future develop age, and perseverence to continue your ments will prove my feeling mistaken. At work for a lot of people who do not seem any rate, if half of the readers of the REto be able to rise above self and 'see VIEW would, without further delay, conthings in a more universal scope. Some tribute a like amount-$1.00-the debt day I hope to get out to San Francisco to would be eliminated.—Mr. J.S., Denmark thank you personally for the sense of uplift that I get from your magazine.—Mr. REVIEW EDITOR: Imust write to express J.F.S., New York. my deepest appreciation for the article by Rolland Howard in the July REVIEW concerning the film Fireworks. I saw the plc REVIEW EDITOR: Don't get down-hearted. ture and it left me confused and rather Enclosed is my contribution. Please exdepressed, uncertain of my own thoughts tend my subscription for another year. We and desires. But Mr. Howard's analysis are having our little troubles here in Ophas given me an understanding of myself tawa-with an R.C.M.P. witch-hunt. Score -and the courage to be a man in all things. 1 Air Force searg. shot in the mouth, 1 I am very grateful to him. The greatest diplomatic courrier jumped from his apt., compliment I can give him is that I have 1 External Affairs employee shot in the memorized the last paragraph of his art head, not to mention many lost jobs (inicle-word for word. Mr. W.E.N., Calif. cluding some R.C.M.P.), and more unREVIEW EDITOR: I was idly glancing happy young ones. Keep up the good work. through the issues of the International Mr. J.D.T., Prov. Quebec.



Dept. 25, P.O. Box 635, San Francisco 1, Calif.

Autographed Copies of "They Walk In Shadow" $5.95 plus 30¢ postage.

Office Upstairs, 27 7th St., S. F.


-OPEN 5 to 11 P.M.

mattachine REVIEW

REVIEW EDITOR: I was Interested to learn of the recent changes made in Mat tachinol Although there are problems involved and admitted disadvantages as well as advantages in the new system, I'm sure as a whole that it is a stop for ward, or perhaps !!a stop backward In the right direction." I hope that the other groups which are no longer chapters of Mattachine will be able to continue. Al so, I hope that those of us who are mem bors of the Mattachine Society will be in formed of the development and progress of these other groups. Mr. J.M.E., Calif. REVIEW EDITOR: In a 1958 issue of Sex & Censorship, I read an ad about the Mate tachino REVIEW in which I am interested. Will you please forward a copy of catacatalog and folders on Mattachine Society plus additional information about the RE VIEW. I would like to know if Sex & Consorship is still being published since I bought the first copy about two years ago in a book store here and have not seen any more copies of later issues there and wonder If publication has been discontinued for any reason whatever. I would be interested in subscribing to the above

mentioned magazine if it is being mailed

to subscribers, in plain wrappers. To me It is one of the most interesting mage zines I have read in a long time.-Mr. O.W.B., Wisconsin.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Sex & Censorship is no longer published, but threo back issues are available at 50¢ each.


REVIEW EDITOR: I have heard of your organization and am interested to know that such a society exists, but I don't really know much about your organization. Could you send me some information concorning the function and operation of the Mattachine. I would also like some Information concerning the publication One, namely the subscription rates and where to subscribe. Mr. D.F.M., California. REVIEW EDITOR: Will you please send mo a sample copy of your magazine? I would like to know more about this. I am Interested if there is any magazine or any group here in the East that I could contact. Your reply will be much appreciated. Have no fears about my being a "Minor" as I will be 54 next month. Your name and address were sent to me by Lyle Stuart of 225 Lafayette St., N.Y.C. 12, a book seller.-Mr. G.D.B., Conn. REVIEW EDITOR: Of course I am aware of the expensive and enervating factional struggle within the national body that led


you to revoke the charters of the area councils. However, I feel that restricting the use of the term "Mattachine"' to the San Francisco area only is a stop backward. If the society could promote groups in other parts of the country which could support its aims and Identity but be autonomous in local affairs the remarkable early growth of the organization could continue. As in the past I shall continue to support the REVIEW although I fool that its initial stated alms have not been fulfilled. I had hoped to see more reporting of foreign organizations, biographical studies, and items of scientific Interest such as Dr, Kallman's work, but most of Your energy is expended in mere organiza tional problems. Be ascured, however, of my continued support. Dr. T.M., Ohio. EDITOR'S NOTE: There will be no more energy expended in mere organizational problems.

REVIEW EDITOR: I am very pleased to have learned of the work performed by the Society. Reading the REVIEW is a pleas. ant thing, since I share the foolings of those who have united already in the purpose of liberating the sixth man-or mak-

ing him feel liberated. I never suspected the possibility of a concentrated effort to educate the populace for their lack of understanding homosexuals.

Sex is life to some heterosexuals; dur ing the course of the day, mention of it to the homosexual is cause of tension. The man who doesn't enjoy women so muchas his heterosexual friends is found faking his way through everyday life. My prob lem would be in letting myself not persecute myself for this hypocrisy, I do not mind the actions if privacy is assured, based on mutual trust, freedom of fear of blackmail, etc.; just the thought of not showing myself to my many friend's who think they know me. Of course, it is for better to put up with this strain and save my status than be honest to my destruct lon.Mr. D.F.M., Illinois. REVIEW EDITOR: If there were to come about an organization in Cleveland or Pittsburgh, I'd gladly become active in It. Unfortunately I'm no'organizer myself and I've been involved in church work and to extricate myself from it would be difficult, but at the risk of sounding egotistical, I've been in some way of some Influence in furthering understanding of all minority groups. I do wish you. well for I well know that you all have done more to further understanding than I could hope to.-Mr. E.B.C., Ponna.